Tuesday, May 29, 2012

virtual tour

It's time for some pictures! These were all taken by Jeff during our home inspection.

first view when you walk in the front door
view from the other corner, looking at the front door. that wall to the left will be coming down, kitchen is on the other side
nothing here is staying. the wall with the fridge is coming down
gone, gone and gone
up the stairs
bedroom #1
bedroom #2 
back of the house

I've already got some after pictures to post soon too. Also, thanks everyone for actually reading this and all the positive comments!


  1. Love it Erin. Looks just like my first house in Baltimore. Can't wait for some "after " photos. Just talked to your mom. Exciting news - congrats. So happy for you and Jeff

  2. Thanks so much Sue!! Can't wait for you all to meet him :)

  3. Erin! I love it! It looks so cute and cozy! LOVE the backyard...minus the dead birds. ew!

  4. Erin Thanks for the update! Are those weeds really back or was that pic from before? Jeanie
