Monday, July 16, 2012

seventh wonder of the world

So a lot has happened in the past month since my last entry (oops), and some of them have been good and some... not so good. Let's start with the not so good first because that always makes for better stories. In about mid June the shed that we ordered from Sears was finally delivered (along with all of our new appliances, more on that later). We were so excited to finally have somewhere to store all of our tools and supplies and get all of that stuff out of the basement. One day after work Jeff started putting it together all by himself. By the time I got there he had all the walls up and we *just* had to put the roof on. Well that took about 2 more hours before we had all but the last roof panel on and then walls started coming down and we decided to walk away for the night before things turned really ugly. The next day Jeff's very nice friend, Brandon, came over to help out. It must have been the extra man muscles because they popped those things on in no time and pretty soon we had a shed! Or "The Seventh Wonder of the World" as Jeff liked to call it. We had the lawnmower and all of our tools in there and we were loving all the new room we had in the basement.

This is where I would show you a picture of the pretty new shed in the yard, but I don't actually have one. And I never got the chance to take one because the shed is already dead. Remember that big storm that blew from Ohio right through DC? It picked up our little shed and blew it to pieces. We weren't living at the house yet when it happened but when we got there the morning after the storm we saw the pieces piled up in our driveway. We now know that we have very nice neighbors who will pick up our pieces of shed from the middle of the road and neatly stack them for us.

So imagine this shed:

In this spot in the backyard:

And now imagine coming over to your house to find this:

We realize things could have been a lot worse, and we luckily had power at the house after that big storm, but it was still pretty sad/frustrating.

Here are some more pictures of the damage just for fun:

this is our neighbor's yard, with a big tree branch that fell on the furniture set she put out to photograph before trying to sell it...

So the seventh wonder of the world was gone in about seven days. And all of our tools are back in the basement!

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