Wednesday, October 31, 2012

pumpkins & mums

Happy Halloween! As I'm writing this we are getting our first ever trick or treaters in our new house :) This has caused some discussion on whether or not you let the kids pick the candy themselves or just give it to them, how many pieces to give out, and whether or not anyone will trip over the pile of dirt in our still unfinished driveway...let's hope not. In the spirit of Halloween, I have a quick post about a quick project from a couple weeks ago.

This is how our front door has looked since the first day we moved in:

Pretty blah right? Eventually I got so sick of having the mailbox sitting on a cinderblock and all those tools hanging out that I had to do something about it. Hanging the mailbox has been on the to do list since the creation of the to do list, but it kept getting ignored because we didn't have a drill bit for concrete. I guess we just weren't really ready for that $2.75 purchase until now...

How much nicer is that?! I'm sure the mailman also appreciates not having to bend down every day also. You're welcome mailman! And I said this post was Halloween related: pumpkins & mums! The rows and rows of mums at Home Depot were taunting me every time we went there so I finally gave into the fall trend and got a few. I planted a couple in our new flower bed out front also:

i wish it still looked like weeds or hurricane debris

 So just a couple more quick things that have helped the outside look a little prettier. We survived hurricane Sandy without any real damage, but I will tell you more about that tomorrow (or in a couple weeks if I keep up with my current posting pace).