Monday, September 24, 2012

week challenge: day one

While at work today I decided to give myself a little homeowner DIY challenge this week. Everyday I have to accomplish one of the nagging tasks that has been bothering me, starting today. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: hang the rest of the blinds recently purchased and put them up in the bedroom & bathroom
Tuesday: finish painting the kitchen
Wednesday: install dimmer switches on the kitchen lights
Thursday: install carbon monoxide alarms
Friday: plan & shop for weekend yard work

And I am happy to report that Monday was a success! Last week we went to Home Depot and bought them out of 36 x 64 white faux wood blinds. They actually didn't have as many as we needed (14), but we bought what they had and installed the first one as soon as we got home. Then the other 9 sat in a pile in the middle of the living room and were really annoying to walk around all the time. But now the pile is gone and the blinds are up!



living room
This is a major improvement, especially in the living room, where anyone could look right into our house and the sun would come beaming into those windows above making it nearly impossible to sit on the couch during certain hours of the day. And it's much nicer than the sheet that Jeff duct taped over the window so he could watch football.

I think setting small goals like this is going to help us get a lot of these little tasks out of the way. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know if we met Tuesday's challenge!

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